Hiya Hellmut,

I supose we are both in the same boat as im trying to get online with my
ISDN card too. The easy way to do this is to get yourself an external
ISDN-adapter like f.eks. Dynalink TAS400 witch is greate because it
functions with exactly the same comands as a normal modem, but with ISDN
speed.. So all you have to do is to setup a normal modem-link and it works
(with only changing the dial-comand). The hard way that im trying to do now
is to setup a proper ISDN conection with my internal ISDN-card. I found the
kISDN (that came with Mandrake) to be a greate tool  its a graphical
frontend to the isdn4k tools, and I found the documentation for this program
very helpful. What my problem is for the moment is that Mandrake (or most
other distributions) don't have ISDN support in their kernel. So im trying
to configure my own kernel right now, and as for the newbie I am this is no
small task so Im making wery slow progress at this. But if you find another
way to fix this please let me know.


> Hi!
> I've an ISDN connection from now on, but I don't have a clue how to
> connect, except using DrakConf... isn't there a tool to connect as
> unprivileged user too?
> --
>              ,,,,,
>              (o o)
>  +------oOOO--(_)-----------+
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>  |        H E L L M U T     |
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>  | www.fegefeuer-webzine.de |
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>             ooO Ooo

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