Ok, I'd like to try it since I haven't customized 7.1 too much yet.  Which
install option should I choose?  Intermediate or Expert?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan Shoemaker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Paul Becker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 1:35 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 7.2 install problems

> Paul Becker wrote:
> > Hi,
> >   I did a fresh install of 7.2 on my machine (P233, 64M,
> > AT3D voodoo card) and I had a strange problem...  When the
> > graphical login screen comes up, the mouse cursor is a
> > black square.  if I touch the mouse at all, the monitor
> > goes to standby then comes back to a fresh login screen.
> > If I ignore the mouse and just type my username & password
> > into the boxes, tab down to go and hit the spacebar, I can
> > see the button push in, then the screen does exactly the
> > same thing.  I'm then back at the login screen.
> >
> > I nuked 7.2 and installed 7.1, which works with no apparent
> > problems.  Has anyone seen this before?  I suspect it is
> > something with my video card driver or my mouse driver, but
> > I can't pin it down.  Since 7.1 works, I'm not in any
> > panic, but when the next version comes out I'd like to not
> > be afraid to try it.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >   Paul
> Paul....I believe that if you were to reinstall 7.2 and
> choose the 3.3.6 version of XF86 rather than allowing the
> default 4.01 vertsion to be installed that your problems with
> 7.2 would cease to exist.
> --
> Alan

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