
Well it's been two hours since I got Mandrake up, and, despite hundreds of
"how do I's" and "why doesn't this work" floating around in my head, I'm
loving it!  But I have a problem.  And I need help (please:))

*skip down for meat of question...keep reading if you know win98...the below
data /could/ apply to my main question*

My old setup was thus:
Hard Drive 1 - partitioned into 2 HDs, of which one was pseudo-partitioned
using partition magic into swap and ext2 space.
Hard Drive 2 - 500 megs compressed into 800 megs.
The letter was C and D for 1, and E (with the compressed host on H)
(F and G are CD and CD-RW drives)

Now, after installing Mandrake, my setup is thus:
Hard drive 1 - same partitions, but for some reason letters are now C and E)
Hard drive 2 - now letter D, and has 1.97 gigs free (apparently) with my
data sitting in a "drivespace.000" hidden file

I understand that this is a mandrake list, but I wanted to throw this out to
people and see if they knew what to do (oh, and have I mentioned the win98
system control panel won't let me re-assign the drive letters?:))

I can't dual boot.  Lilo can't install (understandable b/c I assume it is
past the cylinder barrier.)  BUT, when I try to bootup w/o my mandrake boot
disk, I get
"Reading DMI Pool Information...."  <--------this is normal
"Stage 1"                           <--------a lot like the mandrake
startup, eh
*freeze*                            <--------this is not normal;)

So, I fdisk /mbr'ed, and viola! ...same thing happens.  doh!
I have tried playing around with my bios, but using other driver letters
does not work.  Since the "Stage 1" resembles an awful lot the beginning of
a linux boot, I'm suspecting that LILO is stuck on there somehow...how do I
get rid of it?!  PLEASE help:)

Much thanks in advance!

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