check your logs, do you have any firewalls or filtering running?  I can't
ping my server, because I set it to not respond, so my logs are full of deny

do some pings, then go into /var/log/messages, and see if it tells you whats
going on.

Frank Hauptle
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Gshop & Network Payment Solutions.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, 3 April 2001 2:37 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] ping doesn't ping

Sorry I guess i wasn't completely clear. If i  am in win95 i can ping win95
(and if connected to thenet, i can png other IP addresses in the net) but if
I ping linux i get a time out request.  I tried pinging the IP address, the
name of the linux box but i still don;t get a response back.  it is
the same from the linux machine pinging the win95 machine.  I do have a DNS.
The iIP addresses of each machine are in the files Mark described in his
reply. Again, accordign to my linux books and to LM tutorials my
configuration is correct. I have checked and rechecked the configuration and
there is no problem. I don't know what ellse to do

Mark Johnson wrote:

> do you mean you CAN ping your win95 box from your linux box using the IP
> address of the win95 box, but you *CAN'T* ping your win95 box from your
> linux box using the name of the win95 box?
> If this is what you mean, the problem is probably because you don't have a
> DNS to resolve the local names.  You can get around this by adding mapping
> the names to the ip addresses in your /etc/hosts file (linux) and your
> c:/win95/system32/drives/hosts (win95) file.
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 12:24 PM
> Subject: [newbie] ping doesn't ping
> I've tried to connect mywindows 95 and mandrake 7.1 but i don't get a
> response from neither computer.  What I mean is that I am able to ping
> each macine to its own IP address ( i can even ping web site from each
> machine) but when trying to ping the other machine in my LAN it does not
> work.  I check all connections, cables,  configurations and everything
> it's fine according to the instructions. what can be impeding these two
> machines to talk to each other?

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