Per Michael's suggestion, I downloaded and install VNC.  I connected
once to the server on my Windows machine and it was slow, the screen was
HUGE, but it worked.  I could navigate and do what I needed.  However,
as soon as I disconnected I lost something.  Each time I try to connect
it tells me it doesn't like my passwd. I've reset that passwd like 15
times now!  Still can't reconnect.

I've then set up a server on my Linux box, and have then connected to it
via Windows.  But it gives me a TWM X connection.  Why doesn't it
display my current X connection which lately has been KDE?  I don't much
see a point in using it from Windows to Linux if I can't see what I
would see if I were sitting at that machine.

Does anybody have any insight on those two problems?  At the end of the
day it doesn't matter honestly.  I have KVM switch on my desk (Which I
highly recommend for people with multiple machines in one office.) so I
can just switch over to the other machine with only two key strokes.
But it would be pretty kewl to just look to another desktop and find out
what Windoze did wrong that time to create that sound an error message

Thanks for the suggestion and any further help.

T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* Adrian Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010402 17:14]:
| awesomeness.  thanks much, i'll go hunting    =)
| Adrian Smith
| 'de telepone dude
| Telecom Dept.
| x 7042
| >>> "Michael O'Henly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 2:50:39 PM 4/2/01 >>>
| What you want is VNC. I don't have the URL at hand but searching on "VNC" 
| will give you their site. VNC is a free, cross-platform remote desktop and 
| works beautifully to give *nix users access to Windows (or vice versa).
| M.
| On Monday 02 April 2001 13:21, Adrian Smith wrote:
| > is there a program out there that i can use to dial in & connect with a
| > windows box running pc anywhere?
| >
| > thanks
| >
| >
| >
| > Adrian Smith
| > 'de telepone dude
| > Telecom Dept.
| > x 7042
| -- 
| Michael O'Henly
| TENZO Design

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