The difference is in security for the most part.  There are some other
perks to SSH that telnet does not allow.  For example you could shut
down a machine with the command:

ssh -l root shutdown -h now

Once you execute that command, it will ask you for the RSA key passcode
and then log into that machine, execute that command and then log out.
The machine will then shut down.  This can't be done in telnet. And if
it can, it's not done easily, I've tried the command and it won't allow
it or look like there's a simple way to do that.

[timh@r2d2 timh]$ ssh yoda uptime
timh@yoda's password:
 11:39am  up 51 days, 11:44,  5 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

There's an example.

There's also the security. With Telnet, you can't telnet in as root due
to the fact that it sends a plain text passwd and it's not hard at all
to catch those passwds.  SSH sends a plain text key.  The key has the
passcode encrypted within that key.

Windows comes with Telnet.  And it's installed by default in Win98SE,
and up.  (If you actually disable networking, you install the telnet.exe
to install the Windows networking.)  Windows does now however have a SSH
anything.  I don't know if they ever will, and since they're recent
statements about OpenSource, Linux and GPL, I doubt they will do
something like that any time soon.

There are plenty of applications you can buy or download as FREEware.
Personally I like and use SecureCRT.  Which can be coupled with a SFTP
client.  SecureCRT does suppor telnet.  Hummingbird has a good suite for
telnet, I believe it supports SSH, and it should connect to an X Server.
However it's pricey.  Last I heard it was like $700 or so.  But there
are other ways of getting software that will perform the task you need
with out spending a dime, or with out spending an arm, a leg, and a knee

Hope that clears things up for you a little.

T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* Nadin Merali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010406 11:16]:
| What is the difference and does every os have ssh?  For example windows
| has a telnet program.  Will windows also have a ssh program?
| Thanks
| Nadin

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