On Monday 02 April 2001 09:57, you wrote:
> Dear All, I do a bi-montly 5 page newsletter using MSWord. I use the
> calendar Wizard for the calendars and events. I want to begin to do this

I wonder if you could take the template file from MSWord that does the
calendars (I'm not sure what it is though) and bring it into staroffice.

Also, Word Perfect could probably do it, but I don't think the templates
are included in the free version, or maybe they are limited. I did note when 
I tried WP on linux (free version) there were very few fonts included.

I used WP (Corel Suite 8) when I worked at the local Census office, and I
made calendars for recruiting with test schedules etc. and it worked rather 
well. I don't know if that functionality will be repeated in the Linux 

> I just downloaded the iceSculptor demo from Cnet.com but to buy it is
> expensive, I think-$79.99. This program is supposed to be able to create

LaTeX :). You can do anything with it, but the learning curve is quite steep.
It's more of a text processing language than a word processor, since you
edit the files in any plain ascii editor and then process them through LaTeX.
But it's been around for years on Linux (predates it in fact) and you can 
probably find style files to do what you want. 

David E. Fox                              Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                            change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               on your hard disk.

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