Dear friends:

My deep apologies. I assumed that the KDE 2.1.1 files (and the Mozilla 0.8.1 
files)  at Texstar (, which claims be an 
exclusively LM72 rpm site, would have produced rpms that work with LM72's rpm 
version 3.0 and that they would also supply rpms for all dependencies.

That's why I didn't even bother to test their KDE 2.1.1 before making my 
announcement. Furthermore, while their Mozilla 0.8 (based on the Feb. 17, 
2001 version) installs and works perfectly (except for Mozilla's fonts bug in 
Preferences), their Mozilla 0.8.1 installs with two major error messages,
neither of which I understand:

1) runtime mismatch
2) leaking context

I've therefore aborted installation of both KDE 2.1.1 and Mozilla 0.8.1.

Perhaps Texstar is not aware of the rpm incompatibility issue (LM72 uses rpm 
version 3, LM-8, i.e. Cooker, uses rpm version 4).

My apologies again.


Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

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