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Subject: Re: [newbie] KDE 2.1.1 and XFree86 4.0.3
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 09:33:27 -0600
From: Salvatore "Eric" Indiogine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Recently I upgraded KDE 2.1 -> 2.1.1 with XFree86 4.0.3.  I had no problems,
but be carefull and follow the instructions.

1. download all the rpms to a directory.
2.  test using: rpm -Uvh --test *.rpm
3.  take care of all missing stuff ( go to http://rpmfind.net a do search

4. su - root
5. telinit 3
6. cd directory-with-kde-rpms
7. rpm -Uvh *.rpm
8. rpm --rebuilddb
9. update-menus -v
10. shutdown -r now
11. login to new KDE

Take care,

Eric Indiogine

On Monday 02 April 2001 07:57, msoltys wrote:
> Hello All,
>   I installed KDE 2.1 from the rpms and would now like to upgrade to
> 2.1.1 as 2.1 has some minor annoyances. I notice that the Sourceforge
> directory where the 2.1.1 fpms are located, also contains rpms for
> XFree86 4.0.3. Do I need to upgrade XFree in order to run KDE 2.1.1 ?
> Has anyone tried XFree86 4.0.3 and what do you think.
>   I am running LM 7.2 2.2-17.
> Thanks,
> Mickey Soltys


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