Thanks Civileme,  I quess I'll start saving for a different HD.  I am 
currently using 7.2 , was going to try 8.0 beta but have no way to download 
(no burner).  I did finally get to the second drive (also a WD 10.4) and 
was able to get GRUB to work and can now go to either windows or Mandrake 
7.2.  I had to set my motherboard to Load Fail-Safe Defaults and my 
Mandrake disks worked.  but windows had a problem.  I reset the motherboard 
to Load Optimized Defaults and can still use GRUB to get into Mandrake.  It 
will have to do for now.  At least until 8.0 is out where I can get it.

Can boot magic be used as a bootloader ?  I have it and Partition Magic (it 
says it can partition for Linux).  I haven't tried it yet.  Thanks again.


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