> I must sadly report that my attempt to rebuild the RH6 src.rpm of mozilla 
> 0.8.1 has failed. Lots of error messages have caused the rebuilding to abort.

Haven't tried the src.rpm. How did it just abort? Did you get a signal 11 or

I built mozilla (0.7?) once from source just to see how hard it was. It
turned out that it really didn't take an inordinate amount of time (I had
only a P-100 then) but I really couldn't do it until I upgraded my hard disk
and got DSL, because of the bandwidth and storage space required. I upgraded
to a 30 gig harddrive back in October. I used the tarball rather than a 
a source rpm.

I had heard stories about it requiring 256 megs to compile and 64 megs just to
link. I don't remember it taking up inordinate amounts of memory (I had 96
megs of RAM back then.)  The final link did take up 128 megs of RAM though :(.

You should probably do fine on a k6-2; it's faster than what I used to have.
Other than simply time, if you've been able to successfully compile other
stuff (kde sources, for instance) you shouldn't have issues unless the RPM is
looking for something specific you don't have.

Try the source tarball or cvs and see if that helps. I've an Athlon 1ghz
now with 256 megs of ram. I might just give it a try and see how much faster
things go :).

I did notice initially that when I did my first install (back in January) of
Mandrake 7.2 that there were quite a number of missing things that I had to
install manually - things like aclocal, automake, gettext, etc. At one point
I think even 'patch' was not installed.

> Benjamin
David E. Fox                              Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                            change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               on your hard disk.

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