Syamsul Anwar wrote:

> How do I insert an entry in GRUB or Lilo such that I'd have the option
> to boot from either Mandrake installation?

Grub makes things very easy.  I'm not a grub expert, but it shouldn't be
too hard to figure out.  What I've written below is a hack that I did
for lilo to boot FreeBSD, Debian, and RedHat all on someone's laptop.

First, look at it from a system-wide point of view?  Which distro is
liable to stay the same for a while and which is likely to change?  If
you're installing Mandrake Betas on hdb, then hda is probably going to
be the one that will be most stable.

With that in mind, think of Mandrake 7.2 on hda as your "base" for
control.  I assume that you have a seperate /boot partition for Mandrake
Beta.  Simply mount it as /boot2 or something like that in Mandrake
7.2.  Then modify lilo.conf by adding an entry for the Beta kernel image
(which is now mounted on /boot2).  Save it and run lilo to record the
changes.  If it reports no errors, reboot and try it.

>From this point on, any changes you want to make to the boot structure
can be made from the Mandrake 7.2 system.
Blue skies...           Todd
| Get a bigger hammer!   |  Sometimes you get what you want.      |
|  |  Sometimes you get experience.         |
|  |                     --unknown origin   |

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