Well I can make a suggestion, but never having done this, I don't know
if it will work.

But personally I'd suggest reinstalling.  You can add another harddrive,
with out reinstalling.  IT should detect the harddrive, however you may
have to format it manually.  Then move /var and or /usr to the new
drive.  You'd probably have to back it up to an external source then
transfer the information to the new drive.  From there you can delete
the /usr and /var from your / partition.  That would give you, most
likely, plenty of room on  your / after you do that.

But I'd suggest that you reinstall.  Add another drive, give that to /
so you have a few GB for / for your /root and others.  Just don't
reformat the /home directory when you reinstall.  That will allow you to
keep all your config files in your $HOME directories.   You should
however format your / and /boot.

But that's just a simple suggestion.  Hope that idea does help though.

T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* Michael Falzon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010407 03:13]:
| Hi All need more space how can i do this with out reinstall 
| O's Mandrake 6.1
| Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
| /dev/hda7             1.9G  1.7G  144M  92% /
| /dev/hda1              23M  786k   21M   4% /boot
| /dev/hda5             5.6G  3.0G  2.2G  58% /home
| /dev/hdc              612M  612M     0 100% /mnt/cdrom
| /dev/hdd              631M  631M     0 100% /mnt/cdrom1
| Michael Falzon
| Last Of The BBs Sysop
| Mozy's Swamp BBs & Red Dwarf BBs
| http://mozysswamp.yi.org
| Registered Linux user #204397

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