Dear Mark and friends:

Forgot to mention:

[After you have rebuilt your rpms from your src.rpm, just use them as you 
would any RPMS. You might wish to uninstall any other rpms that are built for 
a different category and then install your new, customized RPMS. -- Benjamin]

Rebuilding an src.rpm package is the easiest thing in the world. Download the 
src.rpm package, then, as root , type in xterm:

#rpm --rebuild mozilla-0.8.1.src.rpm

(or whatever the name of the file). Make sure the file ends in "src.rpm", not 
"rpm." You can also add the target build for your system:

rpm --rebuild mozilla-0.8.1.src.rpm --target=i586

You should replace "i586" by whatever your system demands. Remember that AMD 
K6 systems are really i586, NOT i686 as they claim.

You can try it first without the target setting and, if necessary, try it 
again with the target setting. 

There is NOTHING else to be done. Just wait. It could take an hour or two or 
three or many more depending on what you are rebuilding, on how big the files 
is. If all goes well, your rebuilding will end with a return to the prompt 
and with NO error messages. You then go to /usr/src/ to find your RPM file, 
that is, the rpm file  you just built for your own system. All such rebuilt 
rpms are auotomatically stored in:

[sher@sher07 sher]$ cd /usr/src/RPM/RPMS
[sher@sher07 RPMS]$ ls
i386/  i486/  i586/  i686/  k6/  noarch/
[sher@sher07 RPMS]$

Go into any of these builds and look for your files. It should be stored in 
whatever your system build category is. But, if not, try them all to be sure. 
They should be in one of these categories.


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