Thanks Mark & David for your help...I'm beginning to think that I must
have done something ridiculous with tar - XWC right now shows 2719.88 KB
as the size for /tmp - lots of files though.  Not too sure how to set it
to delete on boot.  Thanks for your help.


Mark Hillary wrote:
> On Saturday 14 April 2001  1:35 am, you wrote:
> > > this is a dumb question :  do the files in /tmp get deleted on logout ?
> > > I
> >
> > No, they don't.
> Not quite true. On install you can set up mandrake to delete all the files in
> /tmp on reboot. Most of the files in /tmp will just be writen over so /tmp
> should not grow to large 400mb seems big though, mine is 2.0mb ( whats that
> 800 times smaller). I would set up mandrake to delete these files on reboot.,
> and/or do what David suggested.
> > > decided to tar them all to see what difference they made, but the tar was
> > > 400 MB (not kidding).  Can I delete these files or does Mandrake (7.2)
> > > need them
> >
> > Sounds like you have a lot of files in /tmp. Usually, these files only
> > need to be arouhd temporarily (hence /tmp) and can be gotten rid of. Many
> > are sockets and other special files (kde / gnome uses those particularly)
> > and shouldn't be deleted. But those shouldn't be taking up any dik space.
> >
> > Mandrake doesn't automatically delete the files in /tmp, but there is a
> > script called 'tmpwatch' which may be on Mandrake which you can install,
> > and set up a script in /etc/cron.daily to run, so that once a day, all
> > files older than N days would get deleted.
> >
> > >    Al Justrabo
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > David E. Fox                              Thanks for letting me
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            change magnetic patterns
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]               on your hard disk.
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> Mark Hillary
> Information is to be shared whether it wants to be free ot not.

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