One place to look would be /tmp (since you don't have a separate /tmp
partition), another /var/log/*, and lastly, check the root e-mail account
-- you'll typically get 2-3 e-mails a night from various cron jobs, so if
you haven't checked it in a while, it can qet pretty large.
At 07:12 PM 04/15/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>I'm running Mandrake 7.2 on a Thinkpad 1400.  It has a 12 gig drive 
>that was apportioned with 400 megs to swap, about 4 gigs to / and the 
>rest to /home so that I'd have plenty of room to host websites on it. 
>First of all, is this a reasonable way to partition the drive?
>This is the response I get when run df:
>Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
>/dev/hda1              3526172   2952152    394900  88% /
>/dev/hda6              7677052    760164   6526912  10% /home
>seems like the first partition (hda1) is filling up and I don't know 
>why?   I dumped as many old log files as I felt safe doing (which 
>probably means the first suggestion here is going to be to look at 
>logs to see what's up) and it made little difference.  I'd like some 
>direction on where on the system to look for an accumulation of 

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