Dwight wrote:
> I want to receive a digest version, instead of one for
> every pos made. I know redhat lists have this, but do the
> mandrake ones? if so, where?
> Take Care, Dwight
> Daynotes, Columns, Tips, message boards, we try to give you
> it as much as we can. http://www.geekworld.ca
> Public Key is
> http://www.geekworld.ca/Keys/DwightWallbridge.asc

Dwight....use the below command syntax in the body of your message:


 HELp                        * This help file
 INFO                        * Information about a list
 LISts                       * Directory of lists managed on this node
 REView <list>               * Displays the subscribers to <list>
 WHICH                       * Displays which lists you are subscribed to
 SUBscribe <list> [GECOS]    * To subscribe or to confirm a subscription to
                               <list>, [GECOS] is an optional information
                               about subscriber.

 UNSubscribe <list> [EMAIL]  * To quit <list>. [EMAIL] is an optional 
                               email address, usefull if different from
                               your "From:" address.
 UNSubscribe * [EMAIL]       * To quit all lists.

 SET <list> NOMAIL           * To suspend the message reception for <list>
 SET <list> DIGEST           * Message reception in compilation mode
 SET <list> MAIL             * <list> reception in normal mode
 SET <list> CONCEAL          * To become unlisted (hidden subscriber address)
 SET <list> NOCONCEAL        * Subscriber address visible via REView

 INDex <list>                * <list> archive file list
 GET <list> <file>           * To get <file> of <list> archive
 CONFIRM <key>               * Confirmation for sending a message (depending
                               on the list's configuration)
 QUIT                        * Indicates the end of the commands (to ignore a

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