Hi all,

I have a probem that is driving me nuts...

For no apparent reason, I have no DNS on my server.. I am not running a DNS
server, it is just supposed to pass on requests to my ISP's DNS server...

I can ping my ISP's name servers IP's no problem...

but if I try to ping anything else, like hotmail.com or whitepages.com  it
comes back "host unknown"

my isp has 3 name servers and I have tried them all and none make a

can anyone make any suggestions with regards as to where I might look to
find the problem?

I am abit lost as to what to try next,, the only thing that works, is to put
ALL possible domains in the /etc/hosts file as that works,, but its not my
idea of fun.

Can anyone give me some suggestions to try?

kindest regards

Frank Hauptle
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Gshop & Network Payment Solutions.

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