Why are you trying to install 7.0?  Just curious.

I have heard and experienced once myself, where the CD will not eject and then
wouldn't let me do it manually.  I had to reboot the machine and start the 
install all over again.

I do not *THINK* this is caused because of lack of HDD space.  It should give you
an error when you select packages if you don't have enough space.  I'm starting to
think it's due to slow CD-ROMs, but I'm not entirely sure of that.

I was first having this problem with a 6X DvD drive, that later spritzed out on me, 
so I think it was reading things really weird, and caused that problem.  The other
CD-ROM I saw it happen with, it was a 12X I think... if that.

If you go with 7.2, KDE and GNOME should be installed automatically.  If you wait
for Mandrake 8, which is coming this month I believe, you will have the updated 

Mandrake 7.2, and higher now auto-mounts file systems.  7.1 may have as well, but I
don't remember it doing so off the bat.  Windows however, especially Windows9x, can
not, and does not read any other file systems other then FAT.  (16 or 32.)  I have
heard of applications that will allow Windows to read EXT2 file Systems, but I have
never tried them myself.  I don't even think Win2K will read EXT2.

But as the other gentleman mentioned, you can install Tweak, or TweakUI.  You can
search for a "NEWER" version at www.download.com/ or you can use the one that comes
on the Windows9x CD that you have.  Just search the cd for tweak and you should find
a *.inf file I believe.  RIGHT-MOUSE click it, select Install and it will do the rest.
Check your Control Panel and you can then use that to hide the drive all together.

Hope that helps you out!

T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* Ciro Durán <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010418 22:54]:
| Well, after installing a thounsand times Mandrake 7.0 (and Corel AND Debian), 
|finally I make it work...   and now I have two issues:
| 1) I couldn´t install completely KDE.   When it is installing there´s a moment when 
|it asks me to insert the other CD but it doesn´t open the CD drive and the button 
|doesn´t work.   I have to open manually and when I hit Ok it hangs...   I have to 
|cancel the installation in order to finish it...    Any suggestions?   One is trying 
|to finish it by Drakconf, but I don´t know, i must buy a bigger HD...
| 2) I had to install GNOME without almost anything (just The Gimp and the 
|configuration packs), and it works right... even I enter the windows partition and it 
|can read anything...   But if I boot from Windows, if I try to open Explorer or ANY 
|program tries to see the HD, or in DOS I enter the partition linux uses, it hangs, it 
|simply stops working, not even the ctrl-alt-del responds...    What it causing this? 
|is there any way to "hide" the partition from Windows?
| Thnx
| El Ciro

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