You can go with the route the other guy mentioned, or you could do 
what I do at times.

First step, find out what's installed.

rpm -qa | grep kdelibs

>From that output, then uninstall those RPMS.

rpm -e kdelibs-<finish the syntax>

After it's done removing those packages, you don't have that crazy 
mess about "failed dependencies" since you no long have them.

You can then do your rpm -ivh kdelib*.rpm to install your software.

I would say this more of a boarder line expect move.  So if you're not
comfortable with removing something like sound and devel-sound packages,
the I would not go with this.  But I will say I've had good success with
doing that.

Hope that was helpful.

T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* Michel Clasquin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010419 18:08]:
| To continue my ongoing battle with MandrakeUpdate and rpm, have a look a this 
| lot, cut 'n pasted straight from my terminal:
| [root@localhost grpmi]# rpm -Uvh kdelibs-2.0.1-2mdk.i586.rpm
| error: failed dependencies:
|         kdelibs = 2.0 is needed by kdelibs-sound-2.0-5mdk
|         kdelibs = 2.0 is needed by kdelibs-devel-2.0-5mdk
|         kdelibs = 2.0 is needed by kdelibs-sound-devel-2.0-5mdk
| [root@localhost grpmi]# rpm -Uvh kdelibs-devel-2.0.1-2mdk.i586.rpm
| error: failed dependencies:
|         kdelibs = 2.0.1 is needed by kdelibs-devel-2.0.1-2mdk
|         kdelibs-devel = 2.0 is needed by kdelibs-sound-devel-2.0-5mdk
| [root@localhost grpmi]# rpm -Uvh kdelibs-sound-2.0.1-2mdk.i586.rpm
| error: failed dependencies:
|         kdelibs = 2.0.1 is needed by kdelibs-sound-2.0.1-2mdk
|         kdelibs-sound = 2.0 is needed by kdelibs-sound-devel-2.0-5mdk
| [root@localhost grpmi]# rpm -Uvh kdelibs-sound-devel-2.0.1-2mdk.i586.rpm
| error: failed dependencies:
|         kdelibs-sound = 2.0.1 is needed by kdelibs-sound-devel-2.0.1-2mdk
|         kdelibs = 2.0.1 is needed by kdelibs-sound-devel-2.0.1-2mdk
|         kdelibs-devel = 2.0.1 is needed by kdelibs-sound-devel-2.0.1-2mdk
| It's a perfect vicious circle - you can't install a until b is present, but b 
| requires c, which needs a. The only way I can see to install this lot is for 
| something, somewhere along the line, to be forced to install. Which is 
| supposed to be a Bad Thing (tm). Any guesses on which one to force first? My 
| guess is kdelibs, but that's just because it has the shortest name ...
| Maybe there is something to this Debian stuff after all ...
| -- 
| Michel Clasquin
| This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

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