Shyeah, and monkeys might fly outta my butt :)
I love Wayne's world hehe.

I have no windows partition, all Linux ext2, the
comic sans ms are on the /Data drive mounted with 
the device /dev/hdc, but if that would help if I
copied them to the local system drive, I shall do that.

I have not been on the list lately, I work nights and buttloads
of overtime, not much time for Linux lists without the boogerbutt
to mess it all up for me hehe.

Thanks for the info I will give it a shot.


On Wednesday 25 April 2001 06:16 am, so spoke Mark Weaver:
> Vic,
> You may have to re-hire boogerbutt to get this to work. I've heard he
> might be able to get this done for you.  ;)
> sorry...i couldn't resist.
> have you thought about bringing the font files themselves over to the
> linux partition so that the font installer can see them as being native?
> it may be easier and faster for the font installer to then install the
> fonts.

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