OK, so I logged in as root, ran /boot/grub/install.sh (after making sure
that menu.lst was correct) - I still get stage1 Read Error.

What am I missing here? GRUB ran fine when I installed Mandrake 7.2,
then I had a Win98 disaster and had to completely format hda1. Linux is
on hdb. I should think that there would be a way to get GRUB working
again without reinstalling Mandrake.

Here is how my drives are set up:
  hda is Win98, partitioned into two 15gig drives;
  hdb is 40gigs, Mandrake 7.2, split up into /, /home, /usr, /var, and
  hde is also Win98, partitioned into two 15gig drives.

100 gigs of space and I'm booting off a floppy. Sheesh.


philomena wrote:
> the file is actually in /boot/grub, and is called install.sh - just run it
> from the command line and grub will be installed. The grub info grub uses
> is in the file menu.lst - take a look at that and make sure it points to
> the proper partitions.
> cheers,
> philomena


There is a fine line between 'hobby' and 'mental illness'.

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