> I did notice the cd is slightly scratched (courtesy of my four-year-old 
> daughter).  Is this the trouble?  Should I download a tarred file or RPM of 
> Star Office from the web, and try to install it that way, or should I just 
> forget the whole thing?  I hope this question isn't too stupid - I'm only 
> just starting to learn this system.  Thanks in advance for any help.

That, I think would be a good idea. Perhaps the scratch on the cd causes a read error
which goes by unnoticed by Linux.
Getting a new, clean file would be the best way to proceed, imho. Either tar.gz or RPM,
whatever suits you best. I don't know if you can find out the md5sum for the staroffice
rpm. If so, you can try and check that with the official checksum. That might already 

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