Did you do a new install and leave the /home intact?

I ran into that problem myself, but I'm not sure what else
caused this.

When you source your .bash_profile do you get any errors?  When
you source your .bashrc do you get any errors?

Does the .bash_profile appear to be missing anything?  Here's a copy
of one that I have working currently with no problem.  I have added
a few things to it, but nothing drastic.

[timh@yoda timh]$ cat .bash_profile
# .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
        . ~/.bashrc

# User specific environment and startup programs

USERNAME=`id -nu`
HISTIGNORE="[   ]*:&:bg:fg:w:who"


The only thing I've changed/added would be the USERNAME, HISTIGNORE, and
KRB5CCNAME.  I put the USERNAME in there for scripts that I've written that
read that info.  I don't need to see w or who commands in my history since 
I do use those a lot.  And the KRB5CCNAME is there for when I was trying
to get kerberos working in Mandrake.  Which as you can see it's exported
so I didn't get it working and gave up for now! lol

What'd suggest would be to copy another user's .bash_profile, AND .bashrc
to your directory.  Back yours up, by renaming it, and then copy in the
new rc and _profile.  IF that works, there must be something wrong with
the syntax, and something's not being sourced upon log in or opening of 
another shell.

Hope that helps.

T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* serafim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010505 06:24]:
| I seem to have screwed something up when installing LM8.0
| I have a large amount of initializations and definitions
| in my .bash_profile but that file is never executed
| unless I explicitly enter
| source .bash_profile
| or 
| . ~/.bash_profile
| at the command prompt in my terminal windows.
| I just don't understand what I did wrong. 
| If I start a new shell I must do it by
| the command 'bash --login' to have the
| intializations.
| Kind of embarrasing as I'm far from new on
| Linux.
| /Serafim

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