This is a question that I am sure will help all of us on this list.

I wanted to install Xine, the other day, and it is still broken, but
that is another story :)

During that process I had to install tarballs from the net, I had to
untar them, run ./configure, make and make install. After doing so I
wondered, what has happened to my system, when I ran these different
make installs? How can I track all the files that have been installed,
which files were removed, if any permissions were changed, directories
added, removed?

There must be a way to run some command before an install, then run a
command afterward, and then compare the differences, but I mean ALL the
differences that an install could possibly have changed. I want to be
able to roll back if an install gives problems.

Please help.

Kind regards,
Hylton Clarke

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