Well...I finally upgraded...to 8.0 from 7.2
and I love it...great job mandrake !!!

everything went without a hitch...except one thing...
I bought a CD set from cheapbytes...
so, I assume they are the download version.

I have a Pentium 233 MMX, 64 mg Ram
Installed 8.0 on a Maxtor 20 gig HD
(dual booting with a 8.4 gig HD maxtor  win98)

Before upgrading...I bought a 
Creative Labs ModemBlaster 56k external modem
model DE5625
it worked fine under 7.2...and windows..
but now, I can't seem to get it to work under 8.0

I placed the same info...for connection just as I did in 7.2
...it trys to connect...I see the lights flashing on the modem..
but when it gets to a certain point...
( I think it's when it says LOGGING ON TO NETWORK)...
it disconnects...and gives me an error 16 (whatever that is..)
I double checked all the settings...to make sure I have them right...
and try again...to the same thing..  What's happening here...?

why can't I connect...?
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Kit Goins                                 ICQ# 7110071
Personal WebServer:         http://kompukit.dyndns.org

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