Petre Daniel wrote:
> On Thu, 10 May 2001, Mark Weaver wrote:
> > Petre,
> >
> > I have some bad news and ...some more bad news...
> >
> > RPM 4 is completely uncomaptible with Mandrake 7.2. Do not, under any
> > circumstances even whisper to your machine that you're thinking about
> > trying to get that program onto your system. To tell you the truth you
> > really don't need it anyway. The version of RPM that comes with 7.2 works
> > just fine and isn't broken in anyway.
> >
> > If you find that you have packages that won't install with the version of
> > RPM that installs with the system, then all you have to do is grab the SRC
> > rpm package of that particular program and rebuild it for your machine.
> > It's a very simple process and will aleviate a lot of problems for you.
> > Doing so will also better ensure that the package you install hasn't been
> > compromised myu worms or trojans.
> >
> > If you've already begun the install of RPM 4 on your Mandrake 7.2 system I
> > would then suggest you do a fresh install of the system and not attempt
> > again to install any other version of RPM except that which comes with
> > that system. I'm not saying it's impossible, but I am saying it's NOT
> > advisable.
> >
> > Good Luck,
> >
> > Mark
> >
> > On Mon, 7 May 2001, Petre Daniel wrote:
> >
> > > Heya,this is my problem...
> > > After i installed mdk 7.2 on a ppro200/32mbRAM/4gbHDD
> > > i started updating packages from the net.
> > > I downloaded the rpm 4 package and it asked for glibc 2.2 i believe
> > > kinda' forced install rpm -iF glibc2.2.....
> > > anyways it seemd alright.but now look what do i get when i
> > > type
> > >
> > >  /root]# rpm -qa| grep ftp
> > > /usr/lib/rpm/rpmq: /lib/ no version information available
> > > (required by /usr/lib/
> > >
> > > what's that? it seems that rpm 4 works when i run it by simply typing rpm
> > > but at complex commands it gives those strange error...
> > > i mean there is more.
> > > anyone can help me?
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> Unfortunately i already scorched my system with the new rpm4.
> The reinstall is out of the question,because i don't have cds and
> much netspeed.
> Now,i don't want to creep around with tarballs all the time,so,
> How can i can get rid of the rpm4 pieces crawling in my system,and how
> can i rebuild again the rpm 3?
> i guess this or the redhat recoming are the only solutions for me,so
> i'd appreciate if you'll help me a little.
> thx in advance
> --
> Petre Daniel
> Romanian Whitehat
> Phone:+4093591346

Hi Petre,

                Things may not be as bad as you think. I would suggest you seach the
expert archives for the last three months as there has been quite a bit
of activity on this subject. I have actually had rpm-4 running on 7.2 so
it will work however what you must do is run it from the command line.
Here are one or two facts that might give you a way out of your dilemma.

1: Rpm-4 uses different names for the database files that are stored in
the /var directory. You will find the new names posted on the expert
list. What this means to you is that it is unlikely that your original
rpm-3 database has been overwritten.

2. If your rpm-4 installation runs from the command line i.e. if you run
rpm --version (in  a console) and it returns version 4 then it is
probably working. Rpm-4 can uninstall itself. If you do an installed
packages query all you should get back is rpm-4 and anyting that you
installed with it. You should not get anything else. If you do it means
that the installation scripts of rpm-4 has changed your database
filenames and to use rpm-3 again you would have to change them back to
the old names. However before you uninstall rpm-4 read three below.

3. If rpm-4 is working then the rather useful rpm2cpio program which is
part of the rpm package can be used to get you out of trouble. This
program (just in case you wern't aware is capable of converting an rpm
package file into a cpio archive. (Read the man page). Using cpio you
can install this archive in a temporary directory. You then have a
running rpm-3 (you will stillave to run it from the command line at this

4. Once you are in this position you can uninstall rpm-4 using itself.
It may be advisable to back-up your database files before doing this
just in case.

5. Now you are nearly there all you have to do is to ensure that your
rpm database file names are correct then go to the temporary directory
where you put the rpm-3 files and use rpm-3 to install rpm-3.rpm in the
proper place. Once you have done this and checked that it is working you
can delete the temporary directory and you should be pretty much back to
where you were before. 

6. If you really must use rpm-4 for some stuff I have found that the
safest way to do this is to download the source tarball compile it and
install it in /usr/local then if you need it you can run it from the
command line. Rpm-3 will still work as normal because the /usr/bin/
directory where it is stored should, if your system has been properly
installed precede /usr/local/ in your PATH variable thus /usr/bin/ will
be searched before /usr/local/bin. The advantage of the compiled tarball
approach is that it does not try to use your rpm-3 database files it
creates new one which only contain the packages that you install with
that version. The disadvantage is that you have to run it from the
command line.

I have done all this so I know it works the only crucial part is that
your original database files are not damaged.

If you want me to take you step by step through the procedure mail me
and we'll work something out.


                                        Colin Close

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