Petre Daniel wrote:
> so,i read the messages,still a bit confused,but i got the big picture i
> think...
> I don't have much time,i have exams and my job,so i can't look into the
> archives.
> So.
> If i understood well rpm 4 has an uninstalling option for itself?

This is correct but clearly you are not able to do this if rpm-4 is not
working correctly (see below). 

> Please keep in mind that it does not work actually,i can only issue
> the "rpm" command without any arguments for that screen of info.
> that's all with my rpm4.It can't query,install packs,uninstall...
> So,how can i get rid of the rpm4 pieces?

Ouch!!!! You are going to have to become more expert to do this; C'mon
it'll be good for you!!! Here's what I would do.

1. Confirm that your rpm2cpio program is working it should do since it
is statically compiled. (see my other mail)

2. Generate a cpio archive from your rpm-4.rpm file with the following

        rpm2cpio rpm-4.0-26mdk.i586.rpm >/tmp/rpm4.cpio 

You may need to change the rpm filename. Now you have a cpio of the
package which contains all the files that were installed.

3. You can list the table of contents of a cpio archive and redirect the
output to a text file with the following           command: cpio -it
<./rpm4.cpio >/tmp/rpmfile.list  This will give you a list of the files
in the package that you can print out. 

4. Use the text file or your print-out as reference and manually delete
the files. Do not delete rpm2cpio you will    need this to get your rpm3
back. If there are any files that you are not sure about don't delete
them but put them in a temporary directory until you have run your
system for a while. If there are problems you can easily reatore them to
their original locations by using the list you generated. If everything
is ok then you can delete the temporary directory.

> I want to regain the rpm 3,from the tarball.
> For that i know what to do...configure make make install :p
> Please give me a fast ftp site for it...does the tarball from
> do the job?

That will be fine!!

> After i get the src do i need another additional soft for it to build?

The best way to find this out is to compile the the source it is
unlikely that you will need anything else but this will depend on what
kind of install you picked when you loaded 7.2.

> Don't forget i played with glibc too..
> like i force updated glibc 2.2 ,coz rpm 4 it asked for it...

As regards glibc as long as you forced an UPDATE and not a full install
you should be OK as many other packages depend on the earlier libc in
7.2 so the esssential files should have been preserved. If you forced a
full install then there is a possibilty that you have broken your gcc
(compiler). I myself did a forced upgrade of glibc-2.2 on 7.2 and
everything was ok.

I have an inkling of an idea as to why your rpm-4 does not work; when I
compiled the source of rpm-4 it also required version 3 of the Berkeley
DB libraries if you do not have these libs rpm-4 will not work. Did you
install these files? If you ever want to use rpm4 you can download these
from if I recall there are some pre-build binaries for
Linux if not the source is available.

> Geez i made such a mess in my rage for newest software.

Ah yes!! But think of what you are leaning because of it!!!!! 

> thank you all,for you patience.

No Problem. Just remember to share with others as you become more


Hope you get your problems sorted and good luck with the exams!!


                                Colin Close

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