hi all !

i am running lm 7.2 and ipop3d on my inet gateway. when i try to connect to 
it via telnet to port 110 from my windows client i get this:

+OK POP3 xxxxx.localdomain v7.64 server ready
+OK User name accepted, password please
-ERR Unable to open user's INBOX

above occurs after entering the users password.

i checked /var/spool/mail/user and its set with correct permissions (owned 
by the user with rw set).
i am fetching my mails via fetchmail and i filter them via procmail which 
delivers them to my mailbox.

has anybody any adice on what might be going wrong here ?
is there something i have to configure for ipop3d ? ( the man page lists 
absolutely no config file, in fact the man page is very short).

thanks in advance,


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