yeah, i have downloaded these but can you tell me what is the difference between a FCS 
file and an rc1. what do these acronyms mean? i d/l both types in the jdk, but how do 
i uncompress a bz file. i know it has something to do with bzip but i'm unsure of how 
to install from these as i don't know what they are.

>Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 13:59:22 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Todd Flinders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Okay, first of all, Mandrake comes installed with
>kaffe which is basically a clone of Java 1.1 (I
>think).  It's old and tends to be rather inconvenient
>these days.
>You want to remove that before you install the new
>java.  Well, maybe you can have both, but I always
>remove kaffe.
>rpm -e kaffe
>You may have to do:
>rpm -e --nodeps kaffe
>Now I would install the newer java.  Most people agree
>that the Blackdown java is one of the best for Linux. 
>On the Konqueror site they actually recommend
>Blackdown over the others and state their are
>sometimes problems with IBM's and Sun's latest 1.3.  I
>use Blackdown and so far it has been very successful
>for me.
>When you install the SDK, it should install the JRE
>for you.  Therefore, you should not need the jre.
>You can get the blackdown java for linux here:
>Do You Yahoo!?
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