
Even though it's not a Mandrake box still the all the log files should be
kept under /var/log. you may want to pay specific attention to the kernel
info and warning log files.



"what knowledge I have managed to accumlate over the years
at times becomes obscured and even hidden amidst the vast
emotional onslaught of my children. You never finish being a parent.  :)"
On Thu, 17 May 2001, Mike Carlson wrote:

> Where does linux put log files for FTP? I had a box hacked and I am trying
> to find the log files to get an idea of what happened but I dont know where
> they get put.
> The box was running WUFTP I believe on Red Hat 5.2. I know it isnt Mandrake.
> :-(
> Any help would be appreciated. I mounted the drive on my Win2k box with a
> driver that will mount Ext2 partitions in Windows.
> Thanks,
> Mike

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