i also have a problem of boot : i installed a partition /boot of 10 MB but i
can't use it because it is on the second HD but i installed lilo (graphical)
on the hda and it appears as non graphical. i tryed to make it with
drakeboot(?) but it appears to be already in this mode but still the same in
text mode... :-(
then i tryed (many...) grub which works correctly ! ??? how does it work ?
but my better way of configurating it would be to install a choice linux or
windows on hda and differents linux boots on hdb. is it possible ?
 thx in advance for help

DAM ;-)

> > I have just installed LM 8.0. The biggest problem I
> > have with it is that I have to boot from a floppy.
> > After the install I rebooted and ended up with a
> > kernel panic. After a little research I found out that
> > I had to enter "linux ide=reverse" when I boot lilo
> > from a floppy. OK, easy to fix, just boot up, add the
> > appropriate info to lilo.conf, and I should be up and
> > running. Doesn't work that way. I try to run "lilo -b
> > /dev/hda" to install it in my MBR and I get the 1024
> > cylinder error. Shouldn't happen with this version of
> > lilo. I try to use Drakeboot, select Grub and it
> > continually tries to use lilo. It won't use Grub, only
> > lilo. My hardware and the file system may have
> > something to do with this.
> > FIC AZ-11 MB, with a Promise ATA 100 controller card.
> > IBM 16GB ATA 100 hard drive, partitioned 1/2 for
> > windoze, and 1/2 for Linux, using reiserfs.
> > Except for not remembering the exact wording of the
> > error I get when I try to run lilo this pretty well
> > sums up the situation.
> > Thanks for the help in getting this resolved.
> The resolution I found for the kernel panic error was to
> create an Ext2 /boot
> This also allowed me to install Grub rather than Lilo.
> I think the problem is somehow related to the ReiserFS
> and the VIA chipset.

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