Okay, sorry 'bout  that. I'm not sure if it is IDE or not. It's defintely not 
SCSI! The data ribbon cable (from the tape drive) connects directly into the 
data ribbon cable on my floppy drive. It uses QIC 120 mb cartridges. As for 
the question "Have you tried using any standard devices in /dev?" well shoot 
how would a NEWBIE know they were even there?? I did ask WHAT was the 
proceedure for setting up a tape drive in Linux in my original post, because 
I didn't know! 
Now that you've mentioned it, I will go try that. Thank you for the input.

On Tuesday 22 May 2001 12:16 pm, you wrote:
> You haven't really provided much information here.  Is this IDE or SCSI?
> Have you tried using any of the standard tape devises in /dev ?
> Daryl Johnson
> Proplan Associates

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