Goh> I am a dial up user, pages in the web browser could not be
    Goh> displayed. DNS error.

    Goh> I have no problem connecting to my isp.

    Goh> I change the proxy to ip address. I can surf the net, but cannot do
    Goh> a domain ping. Error "unknown host"

I would check two things:

    1. See what /etc/resolv.conf looks like.  It should either have valid IP
       addresses in the nameserver line, eg:


       or an all-zeroes line:


       The all-zeroes line tells the resolver library to contact the name
       server running on the local machine.  You can have multiple (up to
       three I think) nameserver lines.  If your ISP uses DHCP, your machine
       will probably generate a new /etc/resolv.conf file each time you

    2. If /etc/resolv.conf contains an all-zeroes line, check that named is
       running and properly configured.  For a dialup machine, you should be
       running a caching only name server.  It will get all information from
       remote servers, then cache it to avoid further lookups over the slow
       dialup connection.  The configuration file is in /etc/named.conf.

       I am not running named, but I have fast connections to the net.  It
       may be that named isn't started by default in Mandrake.

Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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