
depends how you have it set up..

I did something similiar...

I have several internal servers, and they use the 192.168 range of internal

I wanted to make port 80 on one of them visable as port 80 on the external
systems IP.

so, I downloaded ipmasqadm rpm from rpmfind.net (couldn't get a MDK one, so
I just chose the newest src version from another distro and rebuilt it. Then
installed the resultant binary rpm.)

Oncee that was installed, it was simply a matter of adding some rules to the
end of my ipchains rules...
(lacking that you can add it to the end of the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file (make
sure it is executable before you leave)

anyway, here are some example rules for you..

# First Clear the forwarding Rules
ipmasqadm portfw -f
# Second we add a portforward rule for Port 80.
#ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L $OUTERIP 80 -R $EZEPAY 80
# Now we do the same for SSL.
ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L $OUTERIP 443 -R $EZEPAY 443

$OUTERIP has been predefined as the IP address of the external machine.
$EZEPAY was predefined as the internal ip of the internal server..

So you can replace the variables with the actual IP's without any hassle.

I made the ports the same, but there is nothing from stopping you sending it
to a different port...

ie port 80 internal to port X on the external machine...

It was surprisingly easy to do... I have it tested and working using the
above rules right now.

If you want the copy of ipmasqadm I used, let me know,, I have it rebuilt
for i686 on mdk 7.2... if you have the same, then great, if not, I can email
you the src rpm, which you put on your linux box and type:
rpm --rebuild

It will tick away for a while and then a new rpm will miracously appear in

where ixxx is the type of system you have, if its a 486, you will find the
file in i486 if its a pentium, i586,
PII is i686 etc.....

the rpm will be called ipmasqadm0.4.2-4.ix86.rpm

just install that like normal with rpm -ivh ipmasq.........

then put in the rules and start them...

easy as,, you will then have transparent port forwarding...

works great, I wish someone would have told me to do this a week ago,, took
me alot of research to find the best method...

Actually, I will  attach the file to rebuild, so if you want it you don't
have to ask again...

good luck,

let me know how you go.



Perth WA

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ed Colmar
Sent: Thursday, 24 May 2001 1:25 AM
Subject: [newbie] mandrake security question

Hi all!

        I've got my mandrake security box up and running...  All is
well, except for the few services that I want to make available to
the outside world.

        I have the firewall configured to pass http traffic through
to the internal ip address of our web server.

        So, when I try and load this page from outside the firewall,
do I need to try and connect to the ip address of the firewall
machine's external interface?

        I've been trying this with no luck...  I can see the web
pages from the internal side, but not from the outside.

        Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

        BTW...  mandrake security rocks!



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