I thought this was interesting.
I have an "older" 400 PII, and a "newer" 650 PIII (laptop).
Using Setiathome as a performance curve to compare by, there is 
something amiss with PIII processors.

My 400 PII will complete a "set" of Seti data is an average of 8 hours 
(my dual 266 PII will complete one set every eight hours, per CPU, so it 
pumps out 2 in 8 hours).
The PIII takes 50 hours! per set.

Just a data point. The PIII is a laptop, on a different OS. But if I 
boot my 400 PII in that OS, it will still complete them in 8 hours, vs. 
50 on the PIII

I find this very interesting. While the PIII shows some performance 
abilities that the PII does not (it multi-tasks better, and smoother), 
there are some things that the PIII seems to just suck at!

What's just as interesting is that it's not consistant. There are 
similar machines areound me here at work. Some scream, some crawl. All 
with similar set ups. It has me wondering if Intel has a QA problem?

This could be an indication of why some people are reporting performace 
problems with Mandrake 8.0 / KDE, and others are not.

Just a thought.  :)


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