If you really want to be thorough, disable swap space in Windows (see 
below) before doing the defrag, so that even your swap space gets 
defragged. Once defrag is done, then re-enable swap, or you will run into 
many out-of-memory problems!

How to disable swap:
1. Right-click My Computer icon, select Properties.
2. Select the Performance tab.
3. Click the Virtual Memory button.
4. Select the Let Me Specify My Own Virtual Memory Settings radio button, 
then click the Disable Virtual Memory checkbox.
5. Click OK all the way out, then you will be prompted to reboot. Do it.
6. After rebooting, run scandisk and then defrag.
7. Go back into My Computer properties and enable virtual memory, then 
reboot again.


On Wednesday 23 May 2001 06:35, thus spake Chales A. Punch:
> walt wrote:
> > A friend of mine is trying to install Mandrake lunux 8.0 on his
> > computer and clicks on install on the windows partition and he keeps
> > getting a "Disk is too fragged" error. I have mandrake on its own HD
> > so I don't know what to tell him as to what to do besides get a new
> > HD..any ideas???
> >
> > Walt
> Run disk defragmenter in Windows Accesories- System Tools- Defragmenter
> ShalomOut
>   Chal

"Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecuna possit."
- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.

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