i have just noticed that when i choose 'reply...' from the right click menu 
to a message the recipient is not the list but the original sender - every 
time ! 

is the list malfunctioning by not inserting the 'reply to' header in the 
posts back to list subscribers? or do i have my kmail configured wrong,i have 
looked for some relevant setting but nothing seems to apply, it does seem 
that the headers in these list posts should have 
'Reply-To:[EMAIL PROTECTED]' in them but they do not,

of course this explains why none of my recent posts have made it on the list 
and why some folk have had direct mails, my fault for not reading the 
recipient headers on my posts! but i would like to know if it's just me or if 
this is a list problem (it applies to 'expert' too but other lists are fine)


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