On Sunday 27 May 2001 04:38, Charles A. Punch wrote:
> Michel Clasquin wrote:
> > Last week I reported that the version of WP8 on the cheapbytes
> > applications cd worked fine with mdk7.2. I just upgraded to 8.0 and ..
> > nada.
> Did you try installing " libc5-1.0-2.i386.rpm " for backward
> compatability? I amd a at least one other newbie had the same problem
> and we got this advice from this list. 

I saw it the first time, and saved it, thanks, but I'm keeping it as an 
absolute last resort. I already have a later version of libc5 on my system, 
and if I downgrade that, what *else* is going to break? Plus, will I now have 
to reinstall that file every time I upgrade Linux? <sigh> I thought this kind 
of crap only happened in windows ...

Guess I'll have to look for a way to at least be able to *view* and maybe 
cut-n-paste from wordperfect files and do my actual work in 

> ShalomOut
>   Chal


Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/unisa.ac.za

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