
For the record and benefit people who might meet
such a problem in the future (problem is described
below), I will post how I managed to solve it.

In short, I solve the "L 02 02 02 ..." bootup problem
by _re-partitioning_ my Linux drive.

I have 2 hard drives, 1 for Win98 and 1 for
Mandrake. The Mandrake drive initially had
Mandrake 7.2 installed. There were 4 partitions on
it: 1 for /boot; 1 for /; 1 for swap; and 1 for

When I "upgraded" from 7.2 to 8.0, I selected the
option "Keep existing partitions". This worked
beautifully when I upgraded from 7.0 to 7.2, but
gave me the LILO problem here.

So in the end, I re-partition my Linux drive and
like magic, the LILO problem went away.

Hope the above will help others in the future.

BTW, Nautilus is VERY, VERY slow, even though my
machine is Duron 750, 256MB RAM. Konqueror is
much better speed wise.

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Viboon Chaojirapant
> Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 2:38 AM
> To: Linux Newbie
> Subject: [newbie] Why bootup shows "L 02 02 02...."?

> Hi Linux users,

> I finally took the plunge into v8.0 yesterday
> evening (upgraded from v7.2).

> However, after the smooth installation, I almost
> got a heart attack when LILO showed "L 02 02 02 02
> 02 02 02....." to infinity.

> Has anyone else got this problem? I assume not,
> since I didn't find any "L 02" problem in the
> archive.

> Can someone tell me how to solve this problem? Any
> ideas will be appreciated.

> Thank you.

> --
> Cheers,
> Viboon

> -----Original message ends-----


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