OK, I'm convinced there is something seriously wrong with the XFree86 
setup/server in 8.0.   Some may recall when I tried to use 8.0 on my spouse's 
amd k6-2 450 last week and couldn't get it to use 4.0.3, so no 3d 
acceleration or aa fonts, etc.....   I was lucky enough that it at least 
installed on one of mine with a voodoo3 which uses a pentium, tho the 
acceleration leaves alot to be desired.  So I wondered if the amd use is 

However, an experiment tonight blew that theory out of the water and leads me 
to the problem at hand:

I installed 8.0 on a celeron 433, 128 ram and voodoo3 2000 tonight.  I wasn't 
given a choice of versions concerning XFree86 and it installed 3.3.6.  Why do 
you suppose I can use 4.0.3 on one machine and not another using the same 
exact video card?  Now I didn't try to force it to use 4.0.3 cause I went 
that route with the amd last week and couldn't boot into X.  

so what gives?  I used 4.0.1 & 2 with 7.2 and had good game play on this very 
same machine.  

Any help for my poor little celeron or amd machines?  (Man I knew I should've 
gotten a TNT!)


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