Webwasher has a linux version out now.  I used it in windows (still do if I 
ever boot over there), and it was great.  I used it in Linux, also great.  
However, I didn't install it when I upgraded <installed> this time because I 
read someone in a ng saying that it leaves ports open and have yet to 
investigate it any further.  Another thing I"m trying to get to.

anyway, for surfing there is webwasher and junkbuster for linux.  For kmail, 
you will have to set filter rules, which for some things it's pretty easy.  
But for spam, it's difficult, considering the addys used and all.  Don't use 
html to rid yourself of  the ads that come in emails and if you don't want 
the emails at all, set up a filter rule to sent them to the trash.

On Tuesday 29 May 2001 10:37 am, you wrote:
> hullo!
> there is a program called adsubtract, it filters out adverts on various
> websites (yahoo, excite etc).  i don't know if there is linux version of
> this though.
> and i had a question of my own, i was wanting to dual boot linux with
> winme, but i keep getting an error saying it can't write to the drive or
> some nonsense.
> jenn
> >>> Chubby Vic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/28/01 09:52AM >>>
> Hi
> I realy hate how kmail displays those damn gif ads from hyahoo or
> somethingm and I would like to block them from getting into my kmail, every
> time I see those stupid idiotic things I want to poop.
> Would some kind sould *Please* help a linux brother out?
> I tried putting rd.yahoo.com in /etc/hosts.deny
> but that did bugger all.
> Many thanks if you help.

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