On Tuesday 29 May 2001 10:56 am, Derek Rayne wrote:

> Can any of the e-mail programs (like K-Mail, Evolution, etc...) that
> are on here be configured to read and send messages via Yahoo e-mail
> (the free one)? I don't want to keep on using Netscape to load up the
> Yahoo e-mail page to read my e-mail, I want to be able to browse the
> web while going back and forth reading my e-mail.  I know I can open up
> another window, but that takes up time and puts lag onto Netscape.

IIRC Yahoo! mail is a web-based mail application, which means you must use a 
web browser to read your mail.  The sort of e-mail programs you mentioned are 
intended for use with mail that is actually downloaded to your computer; with 
Yahoo! mail everything is actually on Yahoo!'s system and all you get is a 
web page.  (This can actually be an advantage if you want to read your mail 
from a friend's computer; not everyone will have an e-mail client you can 
use, but it seems everyone has at least one web browser.)

> I recently did what a lot of people suggesting for my USB scanner.  I
> still can't get it to work.  I downloaded the newest version of SANE,
> it said it was already installed.  I had this when I booted up the
> system:  NOTE, spaces are NOT accurate.
> Loading USB interface  [OK]
> Mount USB filesystem   [OK]
> Starting USB daemon    [OK]
> So I know it knows about my USB, does that usually goto IRQ 11?  If
> that is the case, I think i know the problem, but my soundcard which
> does use IRQ 11 works perfectly fine.  Should I put my sound card in
> another PCI slot then try this again?

I cannot answer your question, but I quoted back the entire section in hopes 
that someone on the list will read it and be able to help.  It might be 
helpful if you mention the make and model of your USB scanner; mine is a 
Visioneer model (bought while I was still using Windows occasionally) and 
AFAIK none of that company's scanners are supported under Linux.

> I do appeciate all the help I got in the past and the future...I love
> Linux much better than Windows, even though I don't have as much
> software as I would like to have.

I still miss a few of my Windows applications, but not enough that i'll 
reinstall Windows and put up with the Blue Screen Of Death; OTOH, I like 
Linux enough that I'm considering abandoning my current scanner and buying 
one that will work under my preferred OS.
Walter Luffman, [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Medina, TN USA
Supercharged with extra glucose! (Type 2 diabetic 5/99, d/e/m)
"Sage", purple 1998 Honda VT1100C Shadow Spirit

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