One more message from the 'newbie' trenches....

I need a little expert help on getting my machine to recognize network
file systems.

At work I've got LM 8.0 installed on a Micron Millenium running a
~500mhz PII. We're on a Sun-based intranet supported by a bunch of
clever folks who know Unix and generic linux and, on the linux side, are
most familiar with RedHat. Officially, we're a Sun/Microsoft only site
but our data management people do have a few linux servers running, etc.

Here's the problem. I can't see the network file systems from my linux
machine. I'm on the network fine.

I've done the following per the instructions of our network gurus
(without really knowing what is behind this and without them putting
their hands on my machine):

1. install and turn on the ypbind and autofs daemons.

2. go to 'etc/auto.master' and add the line:

    /net --timeout=60

3. go to '/etc/rc.d/init.d' and run 'autofs reload'

4. go to /net (which has been created on my machine) and do a 'ls'. I'm
supposed to see all the network drives. I get nothing.

If I run 'autofs status' I get:

    /usr/bin/automount --timeout 60 /net yp /home auto_home
    /usr/bin/automount --timeout 60 /- yp auto_direct -browse

When I logon I see all the usernames on the system (NIS?). So where are
the server files???


Terry Smith
Woods Hole, MA

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