Have a look at the man page of mmv (multiple move).


On Thursday 31 May 2001 05:36, you wrote:
> Dear friends:
> Let's say I have the following files:
> File1
> File2
> File3
> etc.
> Now, normally to make a backup copy of each, I would do the following:
> cp File1 File1.bk
> cp File2 File2.bk
> cp File3 file3.bk
> etc.
> My question: Is there a SINGLE command that would allow me to create
> backups for hundreds of files within a directory at one blow, that is, so
> as to create the series of backups above:
> File1 File1.bk
> File2 File2.bk
> File3 file3.bk
> etc.
> In other words, is there a command that would allow me to do this all at
> once from within a directory rather than manually copy each file one at a
> time?
> Thanks so very much.
> Benjamin

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