Edit the order of the fonts in the xfs config file:

"vi /etc/X11/fs/config"

(it probably has the 75 point first and the 100point second. Reverse 
that, and put the 100 point first.).

Then, stop & restart xfs:

"service xfs restart"

Then stop & restart X

(a little trickier).
If you're using kdm/gdm
Select the Restart X Server option from the pull down.
If you're booting to run level 3 (console loging, and running startx by 
hand: STOP IT!).. oh.. excuse me.

Just log out to the console, and log back in.

You should now have the revised fonts. It's possible that you MAY have 
to re-boot. X generally doesn't like you messing with it's fonts while 
it's running...


Edward Barrow wrote:

> How do I configure xfree86 4 to produce legible fonts while still using the 
> highest resolution on my monitor?  The KDE help centre suggests editing the 
> order of the fonts lines in xf86config, but there are no such lines, just a 
> note saying that a font server is now used. Where is the relevant config 
> file for the font server?
> under windows I used 125dpi fonts so it is not surprising that 75dpi are 
> illegible
> Edward Barrow

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