
Didn't you once say that you has Mandrake 7.2 running on that laptop, and 
that the only reason you couldn't switch back to 7.2 was that you no 
longer had the CD available? I could burn you a CD and mail it to you...


On Saturday 02 June 2001 03:45, thus spake Adam Henson:
> Keith,
>  Thanks for the tips. Unfortunately the laptop completely freezes when
> it gets to INIT. Nothing will work, and it won't switch to any other
> consoles.  Can't call the manufacturer as I think its now out of
> warranty and they won't support Linux anyhow.
>  Really don't understand whats causing it to crash. The ISO downloaded
> fine, the disk has been completely wiped down and repartitioned with
> both Mandrakes own installer, and then I tried Partition magic as well,
> so theres no problem disk wise.  It all boots up real fast.. looking
> good... and it hits INIT like a brick wall.. bang! - And then freezes..
> How very annoying.
>  Bummer  :-(
>  a.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:       Keith Christian [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent:       01 June 2001 16:51
> > To: Adam Henson
> > Subject:    Re: [newbie] Disappointed
> >
> >
> > Adam,
> >
> > Have you looked at the other console windows (I think it's CTRL+ALT+F2
> > or CTRL+ALT+F3) for clues?
> >
> > You might consider wiping out the partitions by booting into the
> > rescue
> > system which gives a vanilla shell, and trying that.  Mandrake 8
> > *should* install OK.  I haven't tried it, but I have installed
> > numerous
> > Linux distributions over the years on a wide range of Toshiba laptops
> > with no problems.
> >
> > Have you called your laptop manufacturer's help line or visited their
> > website for more info?  It's frustrating at times, but when
> > installing,
> > there should be some sort of command line option that you could use to
> > install Mandrake.  Not sure how to invoke it but it should be there.
> >
> > Good luck!
> >
> > ===Keith
> >
> > Adam Henson wrote:
> > >  Looks like I'm going to have to abandon all hope of running
> >
> > Mandrake,
> >
> > > it won't boot on my laptop, just hangs after the line INIT 2.78.
> >
> > Damn
> >
> > > shame, - I was looking forward to that!
> > >
> > >  Does anyone have any ideas I could try? I'm not running any virtual
> > > servers or VNC or anything and its not waiting for a password, it
> >
> > just
> >
> > > completely hangs.
> > >
> > > Adam Henson
> > > Facts Helpdesk Advisor
> > > Meggitt Petroleum Systems
> > > Tel : 02476 697777
> > > Fax:02476 418210
> >
> > _________________________________________________________
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> > Get your free address at

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