I have an AMD K2 -6 300, with 128 MgRam and a TgriX mother board.  The chip sets are:  SIS 5595, onboard graphics APG SiS 530 and onboard sound CMI8738.
During Installation (GUI and text), the system freezes.  I doesn't matter how many or how few apps I try to include in the install, it freezes each time.
When I install using "text" I get various, here's two:
       1.  error installing package list: control-center-
        2.  Kernal panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!  In interrupt handler-not     syncing.
#2 is the error i usually get.
I know my 5595 chip has a problem with CDROMs and I've downloaded the fix for windows.  Could this be my problem installing Mandrake?  I had a simular problem when installing Windows.

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