Hey David,

I've got the same problems and have not been able to find a solution so 
far. I've tested it with the older X and it still made crunches up 
StarOffice/OpenOffice. My guess is that internally confuses cm and inch, 
but I have no idea how to change that.
BTW: Changing fonts, sizes, or paper settings doesn't help.

David Powell wrote:

>Hi there,
>I've jut installed LM8 from the powerpack, with apparently no problems - 
>until I went to use staroffice.  My view for editing text files is all 
>squashed up to the left hand side of the screen and is unusable.
>Has anyone else had this problem?  During my installation I was asked which 
>version of the X server did I wish to use - I went for the latest version and 
>was wondering if I should have gone with the older one.  I've also noticed a 
>few weird fonts here and there, but nothing too drastic.
>David Powell

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