On Wednesday 30 May 2001 07:03, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
> Civileme wrote:
> > Well, the IRQs are assigned in groups to certain slots on the
> > motherboard. There are also ways in the BIOS of manipulating the IRQs
> > assigned.  So using the BIO assignments and switching slots might be what
> > youwant to look at doing.
> >
> > Civileme
> Okay, this worked! I moved my PCI cards around, left slot 1 open, and
> mapped my IDE stuff to slot 1. No more conflict. Thanks everyone! ;-)
> BTW, does this mean that if you use ALL your PCI slots and have a conflict
> that you couldn't map your IDE to a slot? Just wondering.

Technically PCIs are supposed to be able to share interrupts--and they do.  
Sometimes, when two very high speed high priority devices share an interrupt, 
particularly one that is mapped as low in the stack as IRQ3 is, performance 
takes a heavy, even glitchy, hit.

And some mobos have no ISA and two ide slots, so their BIOSes allow different 
forms of mappings.  But sure, you can have so many devices that you paint 
yourself into a corner.  Then it is time to learn how to spell MOSIX or 
Beowulf or LAN.


> Also, just wanted to point out that while I was moving cards around,
> rebooting, etc, etc, Mandrake handled it like a champ, no problems at
> all...

That is very good news--for your next act figure out the steps necessary to 
make Software Manager wrap around itself .-)

> Windows 98se, on the other hand, complained - coughed - and wheezed like a
> 90 year old Asthmatic...it booted up into a 16 color/vga mode, and I had to
> reinstall my video card, SB, and SCSI cards drivers...(and btw, I only use
> Windog for games like Starcraft and Diablo2 - Once Wine can run these games
> fully, Windoze is ancient history!). ;-)

Try the codeweavers version--believe it does run Starcraft.


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